README SAS® Download Manager Overview This document describes installing and using the SAS Download Manager on all hosts except z/OS. The information regarding z/OS and the SAS Download Manager is available from the download site, from the z/OS line in the download table. The SAS Download Manager is a Java-based client used to access the SAS software repository in order to download selected SAS orders. It is not used to actually install your SAS software order. The JRE required by the SAS Download Manager is included with the download. The SAS Download Manager, once fully extracted, requires approximately 16 to 150 MB of space to run. Note: Using the SAS Download Manager on some distributions of 64-bit Linux may require installing a compat-libstdc++ RPM. Please refer to your Linux installation materials for details on the availablility of the compat-libstdc++ package and package management utilities for the distribution you are using. Use the installation instructions in those materials to install the compat-libstdc++ RPM. If there is no reference to the compat-libstdc++ in those materials, the compat-libstdc++ RPM is not required for the distribution you are using. Note: If you use Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5 or later, the SAS Download Manager requires both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of to be installed. These libraries can be found in the libXp package. In addition, should also be installed. Using the SAS Download Manager Note: The SAS Download Manager writes to many of the same files as the SAS Deployment Wizard. Therefore, instances of the SAS Download Manager and the SAS Deployment Wizard cannot be run at the same time. Before using the SAS Download Manager to download your full SAS software order, ensure that you have your Order Number and SAS Installation Key at hand, since the SAS Download Manager requires them. The Order Number and SAS Installation Key are included on your Software Order Email. Once you are ready, use the following process to download your SAS software order. Note: If you are installing your software on a UNIX system, make sure that a windowing environment—such as X11—is installed. The SAS Download Manager has a graphical user interface. Note: If you are running the SAS Download Manager on a computer using larger fonts or a higher DPI setting, some of the pages may be truncated in the viewable area of the application. You can improve this by enlarging the size of the application when it first opens. 1. After you have downloaded the software package, use the following methods to start the installation based on your operating system: * Windows - double-click on the downloaded file. After it has expanded, the SAS Download Manager will begin installing. The Ready to Execute page opens. Click Run to continue. The Initializing and Running page opens, showing a progress bar for launching the SAS Download Manager. When the initialization is complete, the Choose Language page opens. * UNIX - set the execute bit using the following command on the downloaded file: chmod +x Issue the following command to start the SAS Download Manager: ./ A message opens that reads “Uncompressing SAS Download Manager.” When the files are fully uncompressed, the Choose Language page opens. Note: If you are installing on HP-UX, Solaris, or Solaris for x64, do not attempt to use the ampersand parameter ("&") in order to invoke the installer in the background. * Macintosh - Double-click the SASDownloadManager file to unpack the file in its location (if you have your file extensions turned on, the file name will be After the file is unpacked, the SAS Download Manager will begin installing in that location. 2. At the Choose Language page, select the language in which you would like to run the SAS Download Manager. Select OK. 3. If the SAS Download Manager is unable to automatically detect your proxy settings, you will be prompted for your proxy information. If you do not know your proxy settings, contact your system administrator to obtain your HTTP proxy server, port number, and login information. 4. The Order Information page opens. Enter the Order Number and SAS Installation Key into the appropriate fields. Select Next to continue. Note: It is very important that you locate your original software order e-mail for the correct order and SAS installation key to download the software. You *cannot* use a renewal order number. The renewal order is a license update and it cannot be used to download software. If you cannot locate your original software order e-mail, contact your SAS Installation Representative or SAS Contracts at the following URLs: 5. The Specify Order Details page opens with the Order Number and SAS Products to Install boxes populated from the SAS database. Review the products in your order. If the product list is not what you expect, ensure that you have the correct Order Number. Select Back to enter a different Order Number. If the product list is correct, you can enter a name for the order in the Order Description box. The Order Description box will help you to differentiate between multiple orders. When you are satisfied with the contents of this page, select Next. 6. The Specify Order Options page opens. This page allows you to choose between downloading the entire order or subsetting the order by a number of parameters, including operating system, SAS Foundation products, and language. If you choose not to subset the download, select Include complete order contents. If you choose to refine the list of software you are going to download, select Subset order contents, then select at least one parameter you want to use to subset. Click Next to continue. Note: If you are downloading software older than SAS 9.3, the subsetting option will not be available and you should skip to step 8. 7. If you chose to subset your order contents on the previous page, the Specify Subset Source page opens. (If you selected Include complete order contents, go to step 11.) If you would like to create your own subset of products, choose the User Selected Subsets option. If you make this selection, you should choose the type of products you want to include in your subset by selecting a type from the list. Click Next to continue to step 8. If you would prefer to use a pre-made subset “recipe” that is included in the SAS Download Manager or that a SAS representative has provided, choose the Pre-defined Subset Recipes option. Click Next to continue to step 9. 8. The Specify Subset Options page opens. This page provides more methods of subsetting your order beyond the initial selection made at the Specify Subset Source page. Select as many of the subsetting options as you would like to use. For each one you choose, the corresponding page described below will open when you click Next. If you choose more than one parameter, clicking Next on each page will take you to the next parameter you chose. * Subset by Platform – The page displays the operating systems on which any part of your software order can be installed. Select at least one operating system that you want to download software for. Click Next to continue. * Subset SAS Foundation Products – The page displays the SAS Foundation products in your software order. Select at least one SAS Foundation product to be downloaded. Note that Base SAS cannot be deselected. Click Next to continue. Note: If you started the SAS Download Manager with the –subsetclients command line, this option reads as Subset by Product. * Subset Product Languages – The page displays all the languages that any part of your software order can use. Select at least one language that you want your software to use. Note that English cannot be deselected. Click Next to continue. After you have made your choices on the last subset page, clicking Next will take you to step 11. 9. The Specify Subset Recipe page opens. Choose Select from the standard subset recipe files in order to use recipes that are included with the SAS Download Manager. Choose Specify the full path to a customized subset Recipes File if you have been provided a recipe file by a SAS representative. If you select this option, you also need to provide the directory location for the file immediately under the selection. You can also use Browse to search for the recipe file. In either case, after you have specified the recipe file that you want to use, you should use the list under the horizontal bar to select the recipe you want from the ones included in the file. When you have made your selection, any details that are available for the recipe you have chosen are listed in the pane at the bottom of the page. When you are satisfied with your selection, click Next to continue. 10. The Specify Subset Options page opens. This page provides methods of subsetting your order beyond the recipe that you are using. Select the Include complete recipe contents option to do no further subsetting. Note: SAS strongly recommends selecting this option unless you are working with a SAS representative. Select the Subset order contents option to further subset the recipe. If you choose this second option, the extra criteria become active on the page. Select as many of the subsetting options as you would like to use. For each one you choose, the corresponding page described below will open when you click Next. If you choose more than one parameter, clicking Next on each page will take you to the next parameter you chose. * Subset by Platform – The page displays the operating systems on which any part of your software order can be installed. Select at least one operating system that you want to download software for. Click Next to continue. * Subset Product Languages – The page displays all the languages that any part of your software order can use. Select at least one language that you want your software to use. Note that English cannot be deselected. Click Next to continue. After you have made your selections, click Next to continue. 11. The Specify SAS Software Depot Directory page opens. Enter the location you would like your SAS software order downloaded to in the text box. Your software order will be delivered as a SAS Software Depot. You can use the Browse button to search through your system for a place to put your software order. Once you have entered the location for your software order, click Next. Note: If you have already created a 9.3 SAS Software Depot, SAS strongly recommends using the same location for all subsequent SAS 9.3 downloads. However, you cannot add SAS 9.3 products to a depot that contains SAS 9.2 products. 12. The Final Review page opens with a pane that summarizes the decisions you have made. Review that pane, and if anything is incorrect, use Back to change your responses. When the pane correctly reflects what you want to download, click Download to start the process. As the SAS Download Manager retrieves your software order, the progress bar will show how much remains to be downloaded. Note that the SAS Download Manager retrieves a compressed file and extracts it as part of the download process. 13. When the SAS Download Manager has downloaded and extracted your SAS software order, the Download Complete page opens. Click Finish to close the application. Windows users should also close the Completed the SAS Download Manager page by clicking Finish. 14. The QuickStart Guide describes how to install the software you have retrieved. If a QuickStart Guide is available, you can find it at the following location: \SAS Software Depot\depotsummary.html, where is the directory location you download your files. Open the depotsummary.html and click the View QuickStart Guide link. If you have multiple software orders in your SAS Software Depot, be sure to consult the QuickStart Guide that is associated with the order you are working with by comparing the software order numbers. Follow the procedures described in the QuickStart Guide to install your SAS software. Command Line Option for Windows and UNIX Subsetting One of the ways you can subset an order being downloaded is “by Foundation product”; that is, by SAS products usually installed on a server, such as SAS/GRAPH and SAS/STAT. The -subsetclients command line changes that dialog so that you can subset by client products that are not configurable. If you use the -subsetclients command line, the “by Foundation product” choice becomes “by product.” Also, note that if you use this command line, only non-configurable client software will be listed in this dialog. Usage -- -subsetclients Note that the command line consists of two dashes followed by -subsetclients with a space between them. Windows Example -- -subsetclients UNIX Example ./ -- -subsetclients Using a Text-Based Interface (UNIX only) If you do not wish to rely on an X11 server for UNIX, you can use the SAS Download Manager in console mode, allowing for the use of a headless system. If you use console mode, each dialog used in the installation of your SAS software is represented in text. Note: If you are instructed to enter a sequence that includes angle brackets, such as “Enter to quit”, you must include those symbols. The -console command line option can be used with other options at the same time, such as recording or playing back a response file. The -console command line option also supports two options to specify the size of the output of the SAS Download Manager. Use -pagesize # to specify the number of lines to display before pausing the output and -pagewidth # to specify the number of characters to display on a line before wrapping to another line. Note that -pagesize and -pagewidth will not work with any other command line option. Usage -- -console [-pagesize #] [-pagewidth #] Example ./ -- -console -pagesize 20 -pagewidth 50 Excluding Hot Fixes Starting with the second maintenance release of SAS 9.3, hot fixes available for software in your order will be included in the order by default. If you choose not to include available hot fixes with your order, you should use the -nohotfix command line. Usage -- -nohotfix Windows Example -- -nohotfix UNIX Example ./ -- -nohotfix Removing the SAS Download Manager Windows and UNIX When you are using the SAS Download Manager on Windows and UNIX, it is not actually installed, but is running from a temp directory. When the SAS Download Manager is closed, that temp directory is cleaned up and no files remain on your machine except the original downloaded executable. To completely remove the SAS Download Manager, delete that executable. Macintosh Use the following steps to uninstall the SAS Download Manager from a Macintosh machine: 1. From a terminal window, navigate to the Desktop directory and use rm –rf to remove the .SASAppData directory. 2. Drag the desktop icons to the desktop trash can. 3. To remove the depot, either drag and drop it into the desktop trash can via the windowing environment File Chooser or use rm –rf via your X11 session. SAS and all other SAS Institute product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. ® indicates USA registration. Copyright (c) 2013 SAS Institute Inc. Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved. 13 May 2013